Trilby O'Farrell
In 1894, Trilby, by George Du Maurier was published
serially in Harper's Monthly. The novel's hero is an artist, Little
Billee (won the award for 'best name in a periodical' for 1894
- doesn't that just exude sexual magnetism...Little Billee. It's
like says 'I'm small down there and I don't care
who knows it'"), and the heroine, Trilby, is a grisette,
his true love, who models for him.
For Henrietta this character is moderately racy.
However it should be noted that Henrietta was reasonably supportive
of sex in literature - just not in real life.
Trilby is Svengali-dependent. If she has a Svengali
that keeps her busy, she stays busy. She might also luck out and
get lent out to an activist beetle. But on her own, her plot is
thinner than a pre-depression dime.
Trilby O'Farrell
When you first met Svengali, he was an impoverished music teacher
living in Paris with his companion Gecko. You were a model, so
he pretended to be an artist in hopes that you would pose for
him. You were raised in Egypt where your will was strangely broken
by terrible orgiastic rites you were subjected to as a young girl.
These rites claimed your parents but you were for some reason
let go.
Fortunately, Gecko announced that Taffy and the Laird were returning
and they must flee. As they left, you began to sing - Svengali
was apparently impressed by your voice, and thus began your troubles.
You had no idea that he was also a Jew, and a master hypnotist.
You met Billie, who was also smitten with you. You guess you
just inspire that kind of devotion. Billie was of a higher social
class than you, but that didn't seem to matter to him.
You decided to move in with Taffy and The Laird to look after
them. Someone had to. Over the next few weeks, you and Billie
fell in love and you agreed to marry him. However, when Billie
mentioned taking you back to England with him, you weren't so
A few minutes later, Svengali showed up saying that he'd been
looking everywhere for you. You told him you hadn't worked that
day because of a headache. Seizing the opportunity, Svengali offered
to cure your headache and proceeded to hypnotize you. While you
were under, he said that he discovered that "the roof of
your mouth is like the dome of the Pantheon" (perhaps he
meant Parthenon). He also cured your headache, as promised, and
told you to come to him if the headache returned.
That night, you rose from your bed, donned your blue dress, and
shuffled off into the darkness. Arriving at Svengali's, you had
no idea where you were or how you'd gotten there, or why you'd
chosen that particular piece of clothing, but couldn't seem to
leave. Svengali asked if your headache had returned. You said
it had, but when he tried to hypnotize you again, you resisted
and ran away.
The next day, Billie walked in on you posing naked for an art
class and fled in disgust. Shamed, you fled the room. Later, Svengali
encountered you, obviously upset. While he comforted you, you
realized that you were not good enough to marry Billie. You left
a note for Billie saying goodbye, and letting him know you were
going away forever.
You didn't realize that when Billie got your note, he'd vow to
find you; nor did you think that when the police found some of
your clothing on the banks of the river they'd assume that you
committed suicide.
The truth is that Svengali transformed you into a great singer
and was touring Europe with you posing as his wife. You felt there
were two of you, the singing machine, and the real Trilby. Conceited,
derisive, and malicious, Svengali alternately bullied and fawned
in a harsh, croaking voice. Though you were repelled at first
by his greasy, dirty appearance and regarded him as a spidery
demon or incubus, you became completely his creature under his
hypnosis. Gecko, a young fiddler, small, swarthy, shabby, brown-eyed,
and pockmarked, helped Svengali train you so that Svengali might
exploit you.
The tour traveled to England, where Taffy, The Laird and Billie
attended a performance, discovering that you were still alive.
Completely under Svengali's control, you didn't recognize them,
except for a brief moment when Svengali's control lapsed. With
one look he snapped you back into his power.
Back at the hotel, Svengali put you into another trance. He once
again made you say you loved him. You hated him, but you had no
Unknown to you, Billie followed Svengali across Europe, vowing
to break Svengali's spell on you. Fearing that Billie's love might
actually be able break his hold on you, Svengali canceled appearance
after appearance. Finally, Svengali confronted Billie and told
him that you would be giving your last performance that night
and then you could decide on your future.
The performance began but Svengali soon collapsed, dying of a
heart attack. Billie ran to your side as you collapsed too, no
longer able to sing in tune. Knowing he was about to die, Svengali
prayed to God to "grant him in death what he denied him in
You were very weak. It was as if part of you was lost. You began
to write your will, and discovered a portrait of Svengali. Once
again you were entranced, singing Chopin's Impromptu in A flat
as you had on the stage. You realized that you must seek him out.
You thought you were free, however you soon discovered that it
was merely a ruse. Svengali was not dead, he had merely faked
his own death and taken up the guise of Dr. Nikola, an Italian.
You are thoroughly under his sway, and will do as he commands.
Recently he has commanded you to carry messages back and forth
the a horrible Egyptian deity - a terrible deformed beetle. You
cannot talk to anyone about these messages, or about the beetle,
though you can say that you have seen something that is terrible,
and tell how it makes you feel. You are certain your parents were
sacrificed to this thing, and you have been forced to be involved
against your will in its orgiastic rites. Its call to you is stronger
even than Svengali's
This terrible creature is somehow concerned with the production
of gold which you carry back to Svengali.
You have been seeing Dr. Roquelaure to be treated for your feelings
of depression and hysterical anxiety, however you cannot tell
him any of what upsets you.
What you most want is to get married.