A Game set in Interplanetary Space in the High Victorian Era 

You may respond to this form at any time, but you MUST be on our list of registrants for INTERCON-B to receive a character. We will do two runs of casting, one in mid-February and one about nine days before the Convention. We accept players in order of their registration for INTERCON-B, not their questionnaire responses. This questionnaire is for casting purposes only and does not imply your registration for R.M.S. Empress of Syrtis, or Intercon B.

In the Questionnaire below, we'll ask you a number of questions.  You are not obligated to answer any of the questions, but we cannot take your preferences into account unless you do.

Answering the following questions will help to cast you in the role you will find most enjoyable.   Few characters in this game are “Good” or “Evil” - they are human beings with complex motivations and personalities. 

We will attempt to give you a character that matches your descriptions, however the more limitations you give us, the more limited our choice of characters for you will be.  

I. General Information

  1. Please provide the following contact information:

  2. How often do you check e-mail:

  3. E-mail Alternate: If you selected Infrequent or No Access to E-mail, please tell us someone who is E-mail enabled who you communicate with regularly (preferable another player) who can be deputized to recieve your character hint, etc.           

    4. Can you receive HTML in E-mail?


    5. Can you currently view and print PDF files


II. Preferences

1. Rate the following:


    "Good Guy"

    Self Interested 



    Family Affairs and Intrigue

    Political Affairs and Intrigue

    Crime, Trickery and Deceit

    Cardplaying and Gambling

    Music & Performance

    Mystery & Detection

    Law Enforcement

    Weird Science

2. Character Death

3. Why did You Sign Up

What interests made you sign up for this game?  You may pick more than one

What things do you envision going on in this game?  What are you expecting?

What sort of actions do you expect to be able to take in this game?

What do you get out of LARP?  Different people get different things out of LARP.  Some want to show off their nice costuming.  Others want to have strong psychodramatic interaction, others want to immerse themselves in a character, others want to blow of steam by defeating an enemy.  What do you get out of LARP?

What sort of character would you like to play in this game.  Bear in mind the more specific you are, the less likely it is you'll get anything resembling what you asked for.  If you put "I want to play Queen Victoria," you will almost certainly not get your request.  If you put "I would like to play a lower class criminal character" you might get your request.  If you put "I would like to play a character involved with arts" or "I would like a character who has a lot to do" you will probably get your request. 

How important is your request. Given a choice between a Character that is totally different, but which the GM considers matches your general preferences and a character that matches your request, but may be out of line with your general preferences, what would you prefer we do?

4. Roleplaying Preferences

A) Angst

B) Conversation with other characters

C) Roleplaying - acting as if I am another person, even if I am not engaged in "doing" anything of importance

D) Struggling with an enemy

E) Dealing with topics that may be considered "Adult"

F) Dealing with topics that are visceral or controversial

G) Being "in the right"

H) Having a lot of special abilities

I) Dealing with things by wits alone

J) Physical Fighting

K) Feeling I have "won the game"

L) Having no master, and no one to tell me what to do

M) Being subordinate to another PC - having a "boss"

N) Having something to do at all times

O) Feeling my plot is one of the "most important" in the game

5. Character Type Preferences

A) Strong lead characters

B) Quiet background characters

C) Characters with strong speaking roles

D) Playing Religious Characters (Priests, Preachers etc.), including acting out Religious Ceremonies or services in Character

E) Playing NPCs that would be considered odious villains (brutal murderers,  torturers, etc.)

F) Playing NPCs that would be considered minor villains (extortionists, gangsters, etc.)

III. Exceptions

1. I would not want to have an in game husband/wife boyfriend/girlfriend, even if the relationship was not a major plot factor.

2. I would not want to play a character  involved in romantic plots.

3. I would only play a romantically involved character opposite my SO:

4. My S/O is: 

5. I would not want to play a character  involved in any adult or sexual plots.

6. I would not play someone who was (or had been) a pimp or a prostitute
 7. Is there anyone whom you would like to avoid dealing with during the game?:


III. Skills

1. Costuming

If you have no period costuming, you may wish to post to the list to see if someone will loan you something.  Please remember to include your sizes.

3. Law and Due Process

    Rate your understanding of the legal system - arrests, evidence rules, judicial procedure

4. Historical Knowledge
    Period Culture - Please rate your knowledge of the popular music, literature and culture of the late Victorian period- you don't need to have extensive historical knowledge, and answering will help us cast you in a role you will enjoy:

    Period Behavior - People of the period thought and behaved differently from people today.  For example, many people might think that war was a good and noble idea, that people of darker races are invariably mentally inferior or have other undesirable traits, etc.  Rate yourself as to how "in period" you can behave in a game:

5. Experience

We'd like to help you feel comfortable if you are fairly new at theatre style interactive literature.   If you would like, we can also try to pair you with a more experienced player who will act as a "mentor."

6. Any other Comments